Additional Expertise
Working with SMBs for many years has taught us this truth - one size doesn't fit all. Our clients all have different technology needs and goals, and its our job to realize them.
From data backup to full IT business continuity, we have the best of breed technologies to meet your requirements and budget.
Data is the lifeblood of every business and there are endless ways to lose it. When workstations or servers fail, if networks are breached, or if data is simply inadvertently lost or overwritten- the effects to your business can be catastrophic.
We have put together industry leading software and engineering methodology to provide our clients with a fully comprehensive suite of tools to protect, monitor and maintain their data at all times. Whether you are looking for a on-premise or cloud backup solution for file data, real-time file and application data replication, or full server disaster recovery - we have the right product.

Here's some options to protect your data.
What solution best fits your needs?
File Sync
For businesses that have a dispersed workforce or a light requirement for file data backup, this is an extremely cost effective and straightforward solution that will meet those needs. With the simple deployment of a software agent, any file data on that device whether its a laptop or server can be backed up in real time to a secure data center. As your files are created or changed, these changes (and all versions) are replicated and are store securely offsite. As well as being inexpensive and reliable, this technology can also be leveraged to actually 'share' file data between users within an organization. Altogether this makes FileSync a really attractive technology for smaller businesses that are decentralized, but want to maintain a compliant and central backup policy throughout their organization.
Online Backup
Online backup is a secured, fully automated and monitored backup technology that will ensure your companies data is readily available to you in the event of a server or workstation failure. Scheduled backup jobs of your servers or workstations can be configured to transfer your file and application data across the Internet to our fully compliant data centers, giving you piece of mind that your data is always safe. This robust technology takes the traditional reliability of backup methodology and moves it to a fully automated cloud environment. With the cost of cloud storage at an all time low, many companies are taking full advantage of the obvious benefits of Online Backup and eliminating the human and mechanical error out of the equation.

62% of SMBs in the US that experience significant data loss go out of business within 6 months. :-(
Server Replication
Server Replication picks up where Online Backup finishes. This technology will allow your business to not only backup up the data on your server, but back up a fully restore-able image of the entire server. In the event of a full system crash, your business will be able to restore a fully functional clone of the original server, even to dissimilar hardware. Although setup and maintained like a traditional backup system, this image based technology vastly reduces recovery times and offers many more restore options. When combined with virtualization technology such as Hyper-V or VMware, this becomes a powerful tool in reducing the overall impact of server and hardware failure.
Disaster Recovery
Fully recover a server or entire server estate in minutes. This technology takes image based backup and combines it with an on-premise appliance and cloud storage to provide the best and most comprehensive backup and disaster recovery (BDR) technology available. Not only will all your server assets be fully backed up with customized retention plans, but you will also have the ability to 'power on' a full clone of your server farm either on premise with an appliance, or in a secure data center. This is the nirvana backup, as not only are all restoration options available, but even if all servers fail, you're still up and working - in minutes.
Is your current backup good enough?
Well honestly, maybe - but probably not. While working with many companies over the years and looking at the empirical data, we've discovered that a) A majority of business owners think their businesses have better data recovery capabilities than they do and b) Most backups are not tested by anyone.
Whether you decide to use our services or not, one thing I would stress to any company is that you should test your backup plans. And here's how:
1. At the next opportunity, call your technology support provider and ask them to restore a file you just deleted. Obviously, don't delete a file you need or care about, but perform the exercise. Also, ask for it to be restored from a few weeks ago.
2. Call your technology provider and tell them that the power company is having to turn off power in the building for 5 days, and what are your options as a business. The answer will be quite informative believe me.
I know this may seem a little 'sneaky', but this is company 'life or death' so we think all bets are off. Alternatively, we'd be happy to assess your current backup and give you an honest assessment. Nothing to lose right?

Talk to us about Backup and Disaster Recovery.
We don't get more passionate than when we talk about data backup. Tell us about your setup and we'll tell you if we're concerned, or worried, or whether you need to do anything to improve your situation.
At the very least, we'll talk to you about your situation and help put your mind at ease. Also, all of our product can be tried for FREE. Call us today - we'd love to talk.